Name: Abd-Manaaf Bakere
Rotation 1: Surgery
Date: 01/25/2024
Rotation Location: Metropolitan Hospital.
Soap Notes 1-4
Bariatric Surgery Preoperative Visit
Chief Complaint – I’m for preoperative evaluation for scheduled bariatric surgery
RM is a 62 y/o female with PMHx of HLD, HTN, CHF and severe obesity presents for a review of the consultations and pre-operative diet instructions for bariatric surgery. The patient’s health has been compromised by obesity. For these reasons, the patient is interested in bariatric surgery. She is pursuing the work-up in preparation of her scheduled laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Pt admits exercising by walking 2 hours daily. admits unsuccessful attempt to lose weight by her own and with nutritionist. 24-hour recall includes Breakfast eggs and toast, skipped Lunch, and had baked chicken, potatoes, spinach for dinner. Pt denies any previous bariatric surgery.
Past Medical History
Past Surgical History –
Cardiac catheterization, tubal ligation
amlodipine (NORVASC) 10 MG
Tablet atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 40 MG
Tablet carvedilol (COREG) 6.25 MG
Tablet empagliflozin (JARDIANCE) 25 MG
Tablet furosemide (LASIX) 80 MG tablet
Gabapentin (NEURONTIN) 300
Antiplatelet/Anticoagulants – none
PSHx: denies alcohol drinking and smoking
FMHx: None available
Vitals: on 01/22/24
BP: 163/83, Pulse: 82, Temp: 98.5 F/ 36.9 C, Sp02: 98%
BMI Readings from Last 4 Encounters:
01/22/24 -41.42 kg/m?
11/14/23- 40.60 kg/m
10/30/23- 40.68 kg/m
09/11/23- 41.67 kg/m?
General – appears well, well hydrated, ambulates normally Neurological – Alert, Oriented, No focal deficits.
Eyes – No pallor, anicteric
Abdomen – Scars -, Soft, Non-distended, Non-tender, No hernia Lower extremity – reports no pain or swelling. No edema note on exam in both lower extremities.
Psychiatric – Calm. Appropriate effect
HGBA1C: 9.6 H
Cardiology -(not yet seen) –
Pulmonary – (7/19/23) – Recommend-
• No contraindication to surgery from pulmonary standpoint and no other optimization required
• Manage patient peri-op with the presumption that she has OSA.
She has been warned not to drive.
• Have albuterol available as needed PRN
• Would get cardiology clearance in view of h/o CHF and syncope
RV PRN – if patient still sleepy after weight loss Dietician – ( 10/30/23) – Optimized
EGD – (11/14/23) – Findings grossly normal:
RM is a 62 y/o female with PMHx of HLD, HTN, CHF and severe obesity presents for a review of the consultations and pre-operative diet instructions for bariatric surgery. The patient’s health has been compromised by obesity. For these reasons, the patient is interested in bariatric surgery. She is pursuing the work-up in preparation of her scheduled laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Pt admits exercising by walking 2 hours daily. admits unsuccessful attempt to lose weight by her own and with nutritionist. 24-hour recall includes Breakfast eggs and toast, skipped Lunch, and had baked chicken, potatoes, spinach for dinner. Pt denies any previous bariatric surgery.
– Reviewed consultation reports and EGD findings – No contraindications to pursue planned surgery.
– Provided dietary instructions – Only liquid diet for 48 hours prior to surgery comprising protein drinks and other liquids in the list provided
– Provided educational materials about recovery in the postoperative period after surgery
– laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is scheduled on 2/12/24.
Post-operative visit scheduled on 2/19/24.
Chief complaint: Referral for evaluation of severe obesity
RD is a 62 y/o. female with PMHx of HTN, HLD presents for evaluation of severe obesity with BMI of 52.9. The patient has been obese for several years. She gradually started gaining weight after moving to NY in 2011. The patients tried numerous attempts at dieting and physical activity without durable success. She used to walk a lot, but her breathing becomes labored and admits cannot do a lot exercises. Obesity deteriorated patient’s health. The maximum weight she has being is 330 Ibs the minimum weight is 285 lb. She used to fast and only eats between noon and 4 pm. The maximum weight she has been able to lose on her own is 6 lb. For these reasons, the patient is interested in bariatric surgery. Admits walking few blocks a day and having liquid calories: water, coffee, green tea Coca Cola. Her 24-hour recall is Breakfast with coffee, Lunch with pasta and shrimp and dinner with peanut butter sandwich. She denies any previous bariatric surgery.
Review of systems
Constitutional – No significant unexplained weight loss/gain
Cardiac – No angina, exertional dyspnea, palpitations
Pulmonary – No cough, shortness of breath, hemoptysis
GI – No chronic diarrhea, constipation or bleeding per rectum
Joints – No back, shoulder, arm or leg pain.
Level of functioning – can walk 2 flights of stairs.
Obesity related Medical history – Hypertension and HLD
Past Medical History:
05/2019: Hepatitis A antibody positive
04/2019: Hepatitis C antibody positive in blood
05/2019: HTN (hypertension)
02/01/2023: OSA
2022: Ulcer
amlodipine (NORVASC) 5MG tablet
atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 20 MG tablet
hydrochlorothiazide (HYDRODIURIL) 12.5 MG tablet
mesalamine (ASACOL HD) 800 MG EC tablet
Valsartan ( DIOVAN) 320 MG tablet
Antiplatelet/Anticoagulants – No
oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy- yes
Past Surgical History
Appendectomy (2011);
Total abdominal hysterectomy (2004);
EGD transoral biopsy single/multiple (N/A, 11/30/2021);
colonoscopy fix dx, 11/30/2021); and Hysterectomy.
Allergies – No Known Allergies
Social history – Former smoker, Alcohol – Occasional, Recreational drugs – No, Marijuana
Vitals: 01/15/24
BP: 132/81, Pulse: 81, Temp: 98.2 °F (36.8 °C), Sp02: 95%
BMI Readings from Last 4 Encounters:
01/22/24- 52.19 kg/m2
12/11/23- 52.31 kg/m2
11/02/23- 51.37 kg/m2
08/08/23- 50.90 kg/m2
Labs: HGBA1C: 5.6 , 07/27/2023
General – appears well, well hydrated, ambulates normally Neurological – Alert, Oriented, No focal deficits
Eyes – No pallor, anicteric
Abdomen – Scars +/-, Soft, Non-distended, Non-tender, No hernia
-extremities – Warm, No edema
Psychiatric – Calm. Appropriate effect
Cardiology requested – Yes
RD, 62 y/o with PMHx of HTN, HLD with 52.19 BMI presents here for bariatric surgery. Patient has medical necessity for bariatric surgery for her morbid obesity and associated comorbidities. We recommend laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and went over the risks and benefits. Patient is provided with information about our bariatric seminars to further know about the surgery. Patient will under go the necessary preoperative work-up including cardiac and pulmonary assessment, EGD, nutrition evaluation, preoperative labs.
Recommended to stop using oral contraceptives (Estrogen based) for 1 month before and 3 months after surgery.
Counseled on the need for lifelong vitamin and mineral supplementation after surgery Encouraged to increase physical activity (Between 5000-8000 steps), take protein rich diet (Chicken, Turkey, Beans, Protein powder/drinks), avoid carbohydrates (rice, bread, pasta),
Please buy a digital weighing scale and record your weight 2 times per week
Labs for new patient – CBC, BMP, LFT, PT/partial thromboplastin time, HbA1c, Lipid panel,
EKG, Urine Pregnancy test (for females), Type and Screen, TSH Consultations – PCP, Pulmonary, EGD, Dietician, Psychiatry, Cardiology.
Consultations – PCP, Pulmonary, EGD, Dietician, Psychiatry, Cardiology. Patient will be followed by clinic and Nutritionist for about 6 months.
RTC in one month
Patients 3 SOAP Notes 3
Chief Complaint: “ I have abdominal pain and hernia at umbilicus for 2 years”
SC is a 48 y/o. male with past medical history of cirrhosis with moderate ascites who presents with umbilical hernia. Hernia has been there for 2 years. Worse with cough or heavy lifting. When at rest it is self-reducing. Pain at umbilicus with exertion (6/10). Pts tolerates food and drink without issue. Denies nausea and vomiting, black or bloody stool, constipation.
Past Medical History:
• Alcoholic cirrhosis (HCC)
• Diabetes (HCC)
• Hepatic encephalopathy (HCC)
• Hypertension
• Psoriasis vulgaris
Past Surgical History:
Colonoscopy flx dx w/collj spec when left
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) with transoral biopsy
No Known Allergies
carvedilol (COREG) 6.25 mg
clobetasol (TEMOVATE) 0.05 % ointment, 2 times a day
FeroSul 325 mg
furosemide (LASIX). 40mg
Ixekizumab (TALTZ) 80 MG/ML Solution Auto-injector 2pens
Januvia 50mg
lactulose (ENULOSE), 10g
Nutritional Supplements (GLUCERNA) Liquid 2 bottles
rifaximin (XIFAXAN), 550mg
spironolactone (ALDACTONE) 100mg
triamcinolone acetonide (KENALOG) 0.1 % ointment, 2 times a day
Social Hx: no smoking, former heavy drinker.
Family Hx: cirrhosis – sister
No Vital sign not taken.
Physical Exam
General Appearance: awake, alert, oriented, in no acute distress
Skin: + psoriatic changes on abdomen, sides, hands bilaterally + Caput medusa + Jaundice.
Head/Face: Normal Cephalic, atraumatic.
Eyes: +Icteric sclera
Mouth/Throat: Mucosa moist, no lesions; pharynx without erythema, edema or exudate.
Neck: supple, no mass, non-tender
Lungs: Normal expansion. No distress on room air
Heart: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal pulses
Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, distended. Chronic Umbilical hernia not fully reducible.
Nontender. Psoriatic changes. Small inferior to hernia skin break. Cleaned with peroxide and bacitracin applied.
Extremities: Extremities warm to touch, pink, with no edema.
Musculoskeletal: Range of motion normal in extremities
CMP: Within Normal range
CMP: BUN 8.0, Creatinine 0.6 (L), Glucose: 102, Calcium: 8.3 (L), Anion Gap: 10.0, Osmolality Calc: 277, eGFR(cr): 119.1, Magnesium:1.8, Lipase: 23, Albumin: 2.7 (L), Total Protein: 7.2, Total Bilirubin: 0.6, Direct Bilirubin: 0.3, ALK PHOS: 257 (H), ALT (SGPT):20, AST (SGOT): 26.
Echo 11/21/23
Left ventricular size is normal. Mild left ventricular hypertrophy. EF evaluated by visual assessment. LV ejection fraction is 55% – 60%. The left ventricular systolic function is normal. Unable to assess diastolic function.
US Abd 11/20/23
1. No portal vein thrombus.
2. Small/moderate ascites adjacent to the liver.
3. Cirrhosis.
4. Mobile cholelithiasis.
48 y/o male with history of cirrhosis presents with moderate ascites with umbilical hernia. Hernia has been there for 2 years. Worse with cough or heavy lifting. When at rest it is self-reducing. Pain at umbilicus with exertion (6/10). Pts tolerates food and drink without issue. Denies nausea and vomiting, black or bloody stool, constipation. Abdominal US confirms Small/moderate ascites adjacent to the liver, Cirrhosis, mobile cholelithiasis.
Medical optimization of liver disease and skin disease.
CT abdomen A/P with IV contrast
GI EGD scheduled on 02/15/2024
Return after studies and EGD and labs and can potentially schedule for repair.
Patient 4 Soap Notes.
Chief Complaint: “I have right groin pain for 3months”
LG is a 62 y/o. male with history of gout, asthma, HTN and OA who presents with right groin hernia pain. He noticed a bulge about 3 months ago. Worse with standing long periods of time, better with lying flat. Eating and drinking without issue. Pain radiates to medial thigh when standing for long periods of time. Works at a counter standing all day. Lifts heavy things rarely. Denies nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea or bloody or black stool.
Past Medical History:
• Acute respiratory failure due to pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus
• Asthma
• Gout
• History of 2019 (COVID-19)
• Hypertension
• Osteoarthritis of knees, bilateral
Past Surgical History:
No Known Allergies
Home Meds:
Current Outpatient Medications
• aspirin (BAYER), 81 mg
• atorvastatin (LIPITOR), 10mg
• clobetasol (TEMOVATE) 0.05 % cream, 2 times a day
• colchicine (COLCRYS), 0.6mg
• diclofenac (VOLTAREN), 2 g, 2 times daily
• lisinopril (ZESTRIL), 10mg
• polyvinyl alcohol 1.4% (LIQUIFILM TEARS) 1.4% ophthalmic solution,
• prednisone (DELTASONE) 20 MG tablet, one tablet a day for week
Social History: no smoking. No drinking
Family History: cancer in brother.
Physical Exam:
Vital: none
General Appearance: awake, alert, oriented, in no acute distress
Skin: there are no suspicious lesions or rashes of concern
Head/Face: Normal Cephalic, atraumatic.
Eyes: No gross abnormalities.
Mouth/Throat: Mucosa moist, no lesions; pharynx without erythema, edema or exudate.
Neck: neck- supple, no mass, non-tender
Lungs: Normal expansion. No distress on room air Heart: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal pulses
Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, Right inguinal hernia present. Reducible. Nontender. No left hernia appreciated. Scar from open Appy present RLQ.
Extremities: Extremities warm to touch, pink, with no edema.
Musculoskeletal: Range of motion normal in extremities.
Labs: pending
Imaging: none
Assessment and Plan:
LG is a 62 y/o. male with history of gout, asthma, HTN, OA who presents with mildly symptomatic right inguinal hernia. Noticed a right groin a bulge about 3 months ago. Worse with standing long periods of time, better with lying flat. No Nausea and vomiting bloody or black BM. Eating and drinking without issue. Pain 5/10 radiates to medial thigh when standing for long periods of time. Patients has request to postpone surgery until summertime. Pt admits appendectomy few years back.
Diet: encouraged fiber diet.
Educate pt to return clinic or go to ER if skin changes or notice increase pain in the area.
Revisit prior to surgery to schedule closer to time desired. Follow up in 3 months.